Everything To Know About Zebra Shades In Tampa
Do you appreciate the appearance of roller shades but wish to have an alternative that offers more daylight management and charm to your interior? Zebra shades might be the perfect solution. Also referred to as zebra blinds, transitional shades, or layered shades, these window coverings with a curious name offer an inspiring level of functionality and intrigue. Explore more about the ins and outs of zebra shades in Tampa homes.
What Are Zebra Shades?
It's understandable if you were visualizing a black-and-white striped shade resembling a zebra. They do have stripes, but not exactly like the equine they're named after. These stripes are horizontal and come in the form of alternating sheer and solid fabric sections. Essentially, it's a specialized variation of a roller shade with a continuous roll of fabric in front and back that you may tweak to get the light levels you want. In addition to ingenious control of sunlight, zebra shades may be crafted in an array of colors, styles, and textures to fit your interior design.
How Do Zebra Shades Work In Your Tampa Home?
How exactly do you operate zebra shades in Tampa? It’s really a matter of how you adjust them. If you wish to let in outside light, position them so opaque and transparent bands in the front align with their equivalent bands in the back layer. Wish to have full privacy? Match up the solid bands in front with the transparent ones in the back layer. In addition, if you would like an unblocked view of your home’s exterior, just draw up the shade completely. You can simply adjust your zebra shades via traditional corded, cordless, and innovative motorized options.
What Are The Perks Of Zebra Shades In Tampa?
Trying to figure out if zebra shades are appropriate for your Tampa home? If you’re looking for lasting allure, exceptional management of sunlight, and simple functionality, these specialized window treatments are a fantastic option. Take into account the following perks:- Eye-catching look: Zebra shades add a stylish element to any room as the solid and transparent stripes produce a unique visual component. And since they are available in a variety of textures and colors, you can design them to fit your particular design. They are also crafted to your window’s precise size.
- Superior sunlight control: Would you like soft, diffused daylight, a wide open view outside, or complete darkness? You can get all options with zebra shades. Whenever you have the transparent bands uncovered, you’ll be rewarded with a view to the outdoors and filtered light indoors. When lining up the sheer segments with solid ones, you can remove the view for privacy. This makes zebra shades appropriate for bedrooms, baths, and family rooms. And keep in mind, you can always raise the shade totally for an abundance of sunlight.
- Simple functionality: A simple pull at the bottom or on a cord is all that's required to change the position of your shade. Take it a step further and pick motorized zebra shades you can move from anywhere. Relaxing on the couch and planning to play a movie? Just hold down a button and watch as your room transitions from bright light to darkness.
Customize Zebra Shades In Tampa With Sunburst
Zebra shades are distinctive in the way the function, but you can custom-tailor them even further with Sunburst Shutters Tampa. Schedule a free in-home consultation and allow our Tampa window treatment professionals to help you design a zebra shade perfect for your home. Dial 813-580-7288 today or complete our simple form to begin.